Tuesday, June 20, 2006
Is it doodles on a napkin or a whole new form of art? For me I hope it can become a whole new direction in creating art. I was doodling in a meeting at my desk yesterday and began to see some themes coming through in the drawing. The more I looked at the swirls and symbols the more it reminded me of the ocean. I know that sounds a little crazy but look in the center of the design. I see a "Sand dollar"surrounded by waves and bits and pieces of shells. The original drawing was in blue ink so I had to scan it pull it into photoshop and do some color manipulations. I'm really jazzed by the results even if it's just a doodle.
Sunday, June 04, 2006
Palm Sketch
I was fooling around sketching today trying to see if I could discover a new idea for a painting or just get inspired and this was the final result. The drawing is nothing really special but because I haven't posted for a while I thought I would show it. I followed some of the same techniques I used when creating the NightWaves sketch multi layer tone on tone with a real loose sketchy line. Maybe with some refinements I might find something worthy of painting. I still have Soul Cloud on my easel but I can't seem to get motivated to finish it. I think my Muse went on vacation.