Tuesday, January 18, 2005



Originally uploaded by Ponycar.
SeaLilly is a painting I developed mostly without any reference. I did use an image of a lilly to capture the shape of the flower head and some of the petal color breaks. The basic layout was inspired from a potted lilly that was sitting in our kitchen last winter. In the middle of winter this lilly decided it wanted to spontaneously bloom. Everyday I walked by it It was totally screaming paint me. I thought that if I paint this bright orange flower against a background of a blue ocean and sky that it would help me keep my mind off the crappy winter weather.
My original vision for the painting was totally different from how the painting finally turned out. I did allot of experimenting with movement in the leaves and water. The colors in the ocean were a total fabrication I played allot with different shades of blue, green and purple trying to discover what worked best against the green leaves.
If you look closely at the leaves you can see a texture. The texture is due to an under painting. Originally I create the leaf shapes with heavy short brushstrokes and multiple tones of bright spring green. I didn't like the result so I used a pallet knife to draw new color over the original brushstrokes. The result was a more continuous tone effect.
Since it's winter time again and the weather sucks I'll probably try another version of this painting. I want to try a version that adds more leaves and flowers and exaggerates the movement.

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